About Me

Waddle World was made as a bridge between the young and the old. Some might say the mmorpg genre is dead, I say it never died.I do think people want a popular, ad-free safe space online, they just don't know where to go. Usually these ideas begin as passion projects and blow up into full scale giants, however from the start I wanted this website to be huge. Here you can make some friends, play games, customize your character and so much more.

I started this website with zero coding experience and just very basic knowledge of how this whole "thing" works. Freecodecamp was my starting point doing some tutorials for basic html, css and js. Then I jumped around to making the art by buying an ipad and downloading Procreate (amazing app). Then I watched some youtube videos, then I did the Harvard cs50 course then Reddit then blah blah blah. By no means was I efficient, just one day things started to click. I still struggle understanding how a div element works, but everyday I am getting better. Luckily, I recognize how much of a beginner I truly am and love feedback. If you have any ideas on how things can be better, what works or what doesn't, or even want to submit fan art and just say hi please do so. This website is made for you, and I want you a part of it.

Lastly, I want this to be an example of taking an idea and just running with it. I have met so many amazing incredible people with fantastic ideas, but because they didn't act on them they were forever gone into the void of lost potential. So please please please, if you want something, go get it. Kiss the girl. Quit your job. Make some art. Ask for a raise. Hit the gym. Just be happy. Rich or poor we all die, and I want to live rich and die poor.

"When you want to do something, do it right away. Do it when you can. It's the only way to live a life without regrets" Sonic the Hedgehog (1991) Japenese Box Art